It's time for Your Relationships to Thrive
Do you ever wonder, "Why don't the people closest to me really get me?"
Do you sit there saying, "What's wrong with me? Is it me? Or them?"
Are you carrying the pain of betrayal and past relationship struggles?
Do you have trust issues that keep you from really letting people in?
Have you been wanting to create meaningful connections with
new partners & friends,
Or strengthen existing bonds in your life with your friends & family, but you're not sure how to do it?

You are not alone.
And you're not broken, bad, or lost either.
There is a path forward in love and deep relationships waiting for you...and it's simpler than you might think.
Schedule a complimentary
30-minute call to get started!

There is only ONE thing you need to establish in your life to get relationships of all kinds flowing with ease, trust, and respect...
There is a key ingredient that most people do not talk about when it comes to love, relationships, dating, and family healing...
That key ingredient is COURAGE.
The truth is...
Spiritual Coaching Intensive
Designed to give you a personalized, precise framework to start removing your barriers to love and activate your courage
so that you attract real love and can thrive in
calm, confidence, and clarity in all of your most important bonds.
Discover the 3 essential pillars of lasting love and how to implement them into your life now.
Recognize the barriers you have built up within your mind and heart that are keeping love from flowing freely into your life and how to systematically remove them without feeling overwhelmed.
Gain clarity about the habits, patterns, and cycles that have been playing out in your life personally and professionally that are contributing to your dissatisfaction, anxiety, pain, and stress, and learn how to move forward with ease.
Receive Somatic Healing Coaching and Spiritual Life Guidance to help you restore your Nervous System's calm and nurture inner peace.
**The intensive Package includes two 60-minute phone sessions and 1 virtual Movement Session with the recording sent to you after.

Bryan N.
In the aftermath of my divorce, I read books that talked about "Self-love" and I had no damn clue what that meant.
In working with Parinaz, I have finally figured it out.
I'm kinder to myself. I have softened. I accept all of me. I know how to give myself love.

Amanda G.
I am unbelievably grateful for this coaching experience. It has changed the way I show up, how I think, and how I feel.
I never would have imagined how greatly it would impact my life, but I now have a partner I love dearly, and I have resolved the lingering trauma and pain that surrounded my relationship with my father that has held me back.

Diana L.
I used to erase parts of myself for him. I let go of important values to show that I was worthy and that I could "make it work" between us.
From this coaching work, I now know my strength.
I want to keep growing in my relationship with myself more than anything.
What's Included:
Two 60-minute phone sessions
Session Recaps and Next Steps for you to follow after each session
One 60-75 minute virtual Movement Session with the recording sent to you after for lifetime use. Held on Zoom.
A customized Wellbeing Plan delivered to you at the final session that outlines routines, tools, and next steps based on our time together to stay calm and connected to your courage as you move forward.
*3 Sessions Total to be used within 6 weeks or less.
How it Works:
To start your Intensive, book a complimentary call by clicking here or any of the buttons on this page so we can talk together about your specific needs and areas of focus.
Show up to your complimentary call fully present at your scheduled time and date.
If we both feel that working together is a great fit, then I'll guide you through the steps of booking your first session.
Our first session will get to the root of your patterns & cycles playing out in relationships. Where did they begin? Why? Where do you feel limited in your freedom, vulnerability, sensuality, and joy in your relationships?
We will gain clarity on how your past relationship experiences are impacting your current reality and how to reverse that.
You'll walk away knowing exactly what is causing you to feel stuck, lost, anxious, or on-edge in this relationship, and you'll be prepared to begin releasing that from your mind and body.


The second session is meant to bring balance back to your mind and body.
Using Somatic Healing Sequences and Meditation, I will guide you to ways that you can reconnect with yourself in a balanced way so that you are more calm, available, and courageous in how you act and speak in your relationship of focus.
You'll walk away with a clear plan to execute with ways to feel strong, clear, and like the real you again.

Receive lasting tools that you can implement as a daily routine that will help you to finally understand what Self-love is and how to experience it within.
Learn how to tap into your inner confidence at any time so you can give and receive in relationships with ease.
Explore your pathway forward, post-intensive, and how you can continue to develop your 3 C's framework in all areas of your life.
Have Questions?
Chat with me before you sign up!
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me
to get all your questions answered!